martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

The Blogs and learn English

Hello my followers. Today I’m going to talk about the experience to use a Blog (this blog, my lovely blog hahaha) for learn a second language.

I enjoyed writing this blog about many things that I love like the travels that I wanna do in the future, my future job, my hobbies, my favourite music, etc.

I think that use a blog for this reason is very useful, it give you a different way to learn another language, in my case the english, more than learn speaking or listening the another language.

More than words, writing in english increase every time more my vocabulary, and that give you a useful tool for learn to speak or listen other language, I say, many of us learn more for the memory than for the practice, and writing the blog help me with many words that I don’t know about his existence.

I think that say: I love the blogs, I wanna marry with one, is too much, but I learn so much for the obligation to upload every week in the thursday class, don’t like me that for the time wasted, for this when the teacher authorized to us to send the blog any other day I applauded that decision hahaha

Finally, you can use your blog for everything that you want, I hope that you enjoy the experience, see you soon, you that are reading my dear blog, bye bye!

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Madiba, a Great Leader

Hello my followers! Today I'm going to talk about a great leader of the contemporary history: Nelson Mandela.

I met Nelson Mandela in the history books and internet, because his story are very amazing. From the jail became the president of South Africa.

Mandela was a great leader, with a great power of motivation he made something very difficult, be the first black president in South Africa and the first too in be elected in a fully democratic election. His government focused on an social change from the legacy of the apartheid, a racist political practice from the Britain Empire time's, with this he made unify South Africa through sports, he achieved that blacks and whites could cooperate and win a World Championship of Rugby, and gradually becoming in a nation without racial divisions.

I think he was a great leader for his personal qualities. A great leader have to inspire to the others to be better persons. He was typically friendly and welcoming, and appeared relaxed in conversation with everyone, including his opponents. Constantly polite and courteous, he was attentive to all, irrespective of their age or status, and often talked to children near to him in the activities.

Maybe one day I will be a great leader like Madiba, nobody can tell me I can't do it,

See you soon guys!

The Masterpiece of Van Gogh

Hello, today I'm going to write about a piece of art that I liked, maybe I don't know it yet, but when I saw I really loved it. Is the masterpiece of Van Gogh, "De Sterrennacht" or "Starry Night" in english. His name is because depicts the landscape that he had from the window of his asylum room at Saint Remy de Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an idealized village.

I saw for first time in my art class in seventh grade, I had to inspire me with the painting for realize my own piece of art, obviously not too good like the Starry Night but I didn't a bad job hahaha.

I Liked it because the painting was made at the day, from his memory, and I suppose he had a great talent for the paint, because he couldn't paint something so beautiful if not, and I prefer the night to day too, and a painting from the french night is amazing. This painting is better than others because represent more than a night, a dream, Van Gogh made it from his memory and imagination, both, and the result was fantastic.

Maybe one day I have a masterpiece like Van Gogh, nobody can tell me I can't do it. If he could it, why not me? See you soon guys, have a nice day!

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Walt Withman: Poetry from the Soul

Hello my friends!

Today I found an interesting article from the website of The Guardian about an poem of Walt Whitman, "I Sing the Body Electric".

Carol Rumens, the columnist, write about this poem for think that it is a praise-song to physicality that raises questions about the soul, I am agree with that, especially with a part of the poem:

"The man's body is sacred, and the woman's body is sacred;
  No matter who it is, it is sacred;
  Is it a slave? Is it one of the dull-faced immigrants just landed on the wharf?
  Each belongs here or anywhere, just as much as the well-off - just as much as you;
  Each has his or her place in the procession".

I chose this article because I'm a fan of the poetry of Walt Withman, he wrote about things that through the years they are still, I knew from his poetry from the school, and I found interesting this article by choice an poem from 1855 the poem of the week, this is a good sign that the great work from writers like Withman or Emily Dickinson are not dead

For another part, I found a book the last year, "Paper Towns", I really love it, and his argument is about a girl inspired in a poem of Walt Withman,  "Leaves of Grass", she decides to escape but leaves clues in his room for the boy that she met the last night, for finally, in the las part, kiss him and let it go, is very frustrating the final but I think that was the best final hahaha.

That's all for today, see you later!

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

A Diplomat Future

Good evening my friends :)

Today I’m going to talk about something every time I see more closer, it's my job in the future.
In my career, Public Administration, there are many differents ways that I could take in a couple of years, but I've chosen what kind of work I would like to have, and is to be diplomatic of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile. I imagine me in a few years living in a country in Europe or Oceania being ambassador of Chile, having conversations with important people in the country.

I would like to believe that will be outdoor, but I know it will be most of the time indoor, but that doesn’t take away the fun, however don’t dislike me work in an office. I would love to travel a lot, meet many countries, many cultures, take pictures of important places, meet different people every day.

Right now I have on course a major in Public Management, but in the future I would like to take a major of “Economics in Foreign Relations”. I've seen three chilean universities doing it, and I hope soon to do it in one of them, but I thought in an exchange with a foreign university to realize a similar major too, the biggest problem with this is the economic issue especially. I hope everything goes well in the future and work on something that I like, like you who read my blog. Have a nice day, we see you soon, maybe in another country!

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Strikes and Marches in Chile

Hello my followers. Today I’m going to talk about an important issue these days: strikes and marches in different cities of Chile. It has been the last weeks many strikes and marches, which are caused by students and teachers who have a contrary idea to the government of Chile on educational issues.

Students and teachers expect that in the laws about education they will be take on count, not will be a separate element, that is the principal reason for be marching, because they believe that there is an inequality in the educational system and the state should correct it.

In my opinion, what they claim is a legitimate action, because the education system in Chile makes that if you have money can have a good education, but if you haven't money, can only receive a bad education. The education should be of equal quality for everyone, not a commodity to be sold on the market, for this reason I support this move by the Chilean education, but I prefer too the peaceful ways to solve this, but the leaders of the educational movement and the government doesn't give any centimeter to the other part,and this provoque that extreme supporters are present in the marches but doing damage, that is something that must be corrected.

I hope to know your opinion about this, have a nice day who read this, see you soon!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

"Las Docas" Beach

Hi everybody. Today I’m going to talk about my Holidays. This year, my family and I went to Laguna Verde, a beach nearby to Valparaiso, in the fifth Region.

This place was very beautiful in February, reason for what we went there. And after the fortnight was very peaceful, a condition for my mother to go to a place, to take her pets (we have three Shar Pei, two Yorkshire and one Pug).

We were there for three weeks, the weather was nice, and the two beaches closest to the house were beautiful, especially “Las Docas” beach, the only bad thing was the access to the beach, because theonly way was narrow, forming bottlenecks.

We went everyday to the beach, but some days we did other activities, like ride horses, my little sister was impressed, because she never did that, and she love the horses. One day too my brother and I we went to a pub in Valparaiso, for a carnival in the Sotomayor square.

These holidays were the best because I spend time with my family, since two years ago that we don’t go together to a place to take ours vacations; I really enjoy all the time from this holiday.

See you soon, thanks vor everything :)

     Las Docas Beach